Written by Mekong Institute

This report evaluates a learning programme within the MI professional Development Series 2006/207: “Project management” from 20 November to 15 December 2006. MI designed, developed and delivered this course based on priority learning needs of GMS government agencies (as put forth during the MI Annual meeting in 2005).  

Sixteen government officials from the six GMS countries attended the course. participants come from a mix of junior, middle and senior level positions from a wide variety of ministries, agencies and state-owned enterprises. Of participants, 37% are women. All successfully completed the learning programme.

Five resource persons, the MI Program Manager and Program Administrator facilitated the learning sessions, guest presentations and field research visits over the four weeks of the learning programmes. Participants confirmed that the resource persons are qualified, experienced people who were able to explain difficult content in clear and simple terms Overall, participants felt resource persons were qualified and helped them to attain the curriculum objectives.

The curriculum was divided into four topics. According to the MI questionnaires and written and verbal feedback, participants felt that all course content was satisfactory. Program activities included a wide range of learning and social activities. Participants felt that the main learning activities, including lectures, class discussions, presentations and group-work were useful. Participants especially enjoyed field research visits and study tours. They further felt that the social activities were instrumental in developing professional contacts and GMS friendship. Participants found MI to be a clean, well-run facility with dedicated, friendly staff and adequate IT and library services.

Outcomes of the program include knowledge and skills gained for professional development. Participants further developed professional skills, such as data and case analysis, presentation, Internet research, and professional networking. participants felt they attained the new knowledge and professional skills presented in the curriculum.

The course>>Project ManagementProject Management for Infrastructure Dev elopement but focused on project management skills only, rther than putting emphasis on infrastructure projects. The curriculum concentrated on development projects funded by or conducted with international and/or development organizations’ financial support. Based on the feedback received by participants, resource persons and MI staff, the report concludes that the learning programmes were successful albeit leaving room for further improvements in the curriculum. Finally, recommendations for future programme improvement are provided in Secton 5 of this report.
-Adapt contents and pace of learning actiiites to language abilities and knowledge leel of the participants. This requires flexibility in the curriculum to accommodate different composition of groups each time.
-Provide separate English language instruction.
-Include more best practices and case studies of successful and failed projects.
-Avoid redundancies and multiple approaches to each of the methods and techniques presented to avoid confusion among the participants.

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