Written by Mekong Institute

The Training Course “Sustainable Rural Development and Water Resource Management” was held at the Mekong Institute (MI) on the campus of Khon Kaen University , Khon Kaen, Thailand from 30 September-18 October 2002. The course was arranged by MI in conjuction with the Office of International Agriculture (OIA). Five participants attended from the Information Center for Agriculture and Rural Development (ICARD), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Vietnam.  

Fifteen presenters working at various institutions in Thailand taught the three course modules. The thress modules were:

  1. Module 1: Poverty Alleviation and Food Security
  2. Module 2: Harness Market Information for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
  3. Module 3: Water Resource Management

The Academic Director at MIworked closely with presenters to provide course continuity between modules for the participants. OIAwas responsible for presenters. MI provided further organisational and day to day support for the particiapants and presenters and prepared this course evaluaton report.

The achievement of course objectives was assessed through feedback from participants mainly by using a participant questionnaire and discussion interview. THe participants’ objectives for the course appeared to be very well achieved.

The participant questionnaires indicated a high level of participant satisfaction with the course. The presenters overall ratings were good to excellent in assessments. All learning activities of the course rated very well. Learning activities included lectures, field trips, and Internet and library use.

Comments from group discussions and participant evaluations were positive. No specific recommendations were made. Overall, the course was considered to be very successful.

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