Trade and Investment Facilitation

Khon Kaen, Thailand (February, 2016) – Mekong Institute (MI) has conducted a Synthesis & Evaluation Workshop on the 2nd “Certified Logistics Master Program” in MI’s Annex Building on February 1-2, 2016. 

As part of the 2nd Modular Training on Certified Logistic Masters program organized by MI from October 26 to November 3, 2015, sponsored by the Mekong-Republic of Korea (ROK) Cooperation Fund, the workshop aimed to provide a platform for (i) the 28 participants from CLMVT to share the best practices and lessons learned during the knowledge transfer phase over the last three months (December 2015 – January 2016); (ii) MI to evaluate their performance of action plans and award successful participants as Certified Logistics Master; and (iii) MI and the participants to discuss about the training curriculum, and development strategy of GMS logistics database. 

Welcoming the participants, Ms. Maria Theresa S. Medialdia, Director of Agricultural Development & Commercialization, on behalf of the Executive Director Watcharas Leelawath, emphasized the importance of the implementing knowledge and skills they acquired from the training from October 26 to November 3, 2015, and the improvement of logistics services in the region. To this end, the project is expected to further improve logistics connectivity that can effectively facilitate trade and transportation as well as investment for economic development in the region. 

From the donor side, Ms. Kang Hyo-sung, first secretary, embassy of the Republic of Korea in Thailand, emphasized in her opening speech that the Mekong region’s boundless potential can be combined with Korea’s experience in economic development. She mentioned the expectation of ROK government with which the project will contribute to capacity development for transport and logistics sectors and promotion of connectivity through improved logistics services that are professionally provided by well-trained logistics providers in the region. 

In the first session, each of the participants presented their individual action plan implementation outcomes, lessons learned, and best practices. They reported that by applying their knowledge and skills gained from the training, they could improve their logistics services and business performance by reducing operational errors, setting up financial management system, and providing training to their drivers and local staff. 

In the second session, the participants reported that the training topics were relevant to their needs and useful to business operations and development. They also provided useful comments that help improve the training curriculum, such as sharing more information on shipment process and shipping routes at the national level 

In the last session, the MI team introduced the GMS database to the participants and collected their comments and feedbacks. Participants provided insights to the logistics database development strategy in five Mekong countries. 

The evaluation of the action plan implementation results is based on the indicators set by the MI’s Logistics Expert. Professionally, the participants were evaluated during the modular training and those who obtain 60% of the total score of 400 points will be successfully recognized as Certified Logistics Masters. As the final result, 25 ‘Certified Logistics Masters’ were awarded. 

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